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The objective is to buy mushrooms and place them on  the plots to defend the mother mushroom from evil insects, if a mushroom kills an insect you'll get coins. The insects attack in waves.




Tower Defense


PC Windows 10

My work

  • Bomb mushroom: A mushroom that explodes when enemies get near
  • Jump mushroom: A mushroom that jumps and does damage on impact
  • Punch mushroom: A mushroom that punches enemies when they get near
  • Spray mushroom: A mushroom that sprays poison
  • Shop Controller Improved: I helped a teammate with making the shop
  • Enemy Properties: The properties of the insects, like speed, health, etc

Enemy Properties

Enemies need properties like Health, speed and damage. Here are some chooses i made for storing these:

1. Customization: I made the variables easy to change in the inspector on the prefab of the enemies so my teammates could easily balance the different kind of enemies.

2. Comments: I added comments for better readability in the script, so my teammates could understand the script and add or change things.

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