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Monkey Madness




This game is a VR 4 player hot potato game. One of the players starts with a banana with a fuse and a timer on it, when this player tags someone that player will get the banana. When the time runs out the player that is holding the banana explodes, and the banana will be giving to another player till one player remains. The remaining player wins!




Mini Game


VR PC, VR stand alone

My work

  • Multiplayer system: A complete multiplayer system, you can join and create rooms

  • Scene Switch System: A system that switches the scene and transfers all the players

  • BananaTag Grab and Give: A script that picks up the banana and can give it to players

  • BananaTag explode: The explosion when a player loses

  • BananaTag timer: A timer for when the banana explodes

Multiplayer system

The most difficult thing about this project is the multiplayer system, these are some important chooses i made while making this system:

1. Party size: the game is up to 4 player multiplayer, we chose for a maximum of 4 players to keep the map small while not making it to chaotic.
2. Room selection: We Choose to use room codes instead of a room selection screen because this was easier so we have more time for VR system and main game play mechanics.

3. Ready up: To check if everyone was ready to play we did something creative, we used a small room in the lobby were everyone can meet if they are ready. If everyone is in the room at once, the game will start. We did this to give the players the ability to hang out in the lobby while waiting instead of waiting in front of a screen.

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